Seeking truth 心的挣扎2 (6)五官语言
The Language of Facial Expressions

但 自 在 脱 就 却 不 这 已 浪 
是 由 蓝 了 像 无 愿 是 不 迹
无 一 蓝 线 一 处 归 一 属 天
目 一 的 的 支 归 还 群 于 涯
的 一 天 风 支 宿 一 忘 中 的
地 一 上 筝 一 的 一 却 国 中
飞 一 一 一 一 群 一 来 一 国
翔 一 一 一 一 体 一 处 一 人
不归人 (A person who will not return)





The arrangement and differences in size on a human facial features constitutes a special language. This language is not related to the sounds and conversations. Except telling us about the age, health conditions and vitality, this language also tells us about that person's personality and upbringing which is hard to tell with real language. From the facial features, we can read out the passion, sympathy, apathy, innocence, hypocrisy, perseverance, loyalty, slyness, snobbery, wit, quietness, intelligence, sincerity, aggression, having been weather beaten, shallowness, maturity, and so on.

And in the language of the facial features, youth, health and beauty are not necessarily connected to wisdom, quietness, honesty, perseverance and maturity, likewise, weakness, sickness, and ugliness are not necessarily connected with aggressiveness, cunning, snobbery, hypocrisy.

Why does the arrangement of the facial features and differences in sizes give such delicate and rich information? Do we receive the information directly from the facial features, or is there an invisible spirit or  temperament that we can see on the face, which strikes a sympathetic chord?  strike a sympathetic chord.

We don't know exactly why,  what we can say is that this kind of communication differs from languages, sounds, because it is expressed by a sort of form. But it differs from vision because the contents that we perceive is beyond images, and led to and directly to the experience of people's minds and hearts.

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